Wien 1966: Ein ehemaliger Besatzungssoldat wird ermordet aufgefunden. Die US-Botschaft will ihn nicht kennen. Wurde er wegen seiner Hautfarbe umgebracht? Oder haben die geheimnisvollen Treffen in einem Hotel etwas mit seinem Tod zu tun? Auf der Suche nach Hinweisen begegnet Chefinspektor Wilhelm Fodor ehemaligen Kämpfern im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg, deutschen Nazis, Südtirol-Aktivisten und liebenden Frauen. Die entscheidende Frage aber ist: Verfolgt ihn der schwarze Mercedes tatsächlich, oder leidet er unter Paranoia?
Vienna 1966. A former occupation soldier is found murdered, but the US embassy doesn’t want to acknowledge him. Was he killed because of the color of his skin? Or do an array of mysterious meetings in a hotel have something to do with his death? In his search for clues, Chief Inspector Wilhelm Fodor encounters former fighters from the Spanish Civil War, German Nazis, South Tyrol activists, and female lovers. But the crucial question is: Is the black Mercedes really following him, or is Fodor suffering from paranoia?
Sabina Naber arbeitete nach ihrem Studium in Wien u.a. als Regisseurin, Journalistin und Drehbuchautorin. 2002 startete sie ihre schriftstellerische Laufbahn, mittlerweile sind etliche Romane und unzählige Kurzgeschichten erschienen (Friedrich-Glauser-Preis 2007 und Nominierung für den Leo-Perutz-Preis 2013). Seit Kurzem ist sie auch als Fotokünstlerin tätig.
After completing her studies in Vienna, Sabina Naber worked as a director, journalist and screenwriter, among other things. In 2002 she started her writing career, and has since published several novels and countless short stories (Friedrich-Glauser-Preis 2007 and nomination for the Leo-Perutz-Preis 2013). She has also been recently active as a photographic artist.
“A very exciting crime novel, which leads the reader into the Vienna of the post-occupation period. In this very well researched book, the author takes up highly explosive topics, such as the ‘child abductions’ in Spain during the Franco era... A very successful book about the Austrian post-war period, sophisticated in its language.” - Anna Lemberger, dorfzeitung.com
“With her historical crime novels, the author brings the past back to life.” - Philipp Wagner, Kronen Zeitung
“An impressive, high-quality crime novel, which not only provides hours of thrilling reading, but also authentically reflects the spirit of the times, while also showing the problems of that time and the psychological aftermath of the war. The writing style is fluid, linguistically adapted to the time period and, through the Viennese dialect, to the place. Despite its relaxed charm and its accommodation of new, modern sensibilities, one can still feels the shadows of the past.” - lovelybooks.de